In 1972 the Second Avenue Bicycle Shop in New York Citylocked a three-speed bike to a signpost in Grenwich Village at the request ofKryptonite founder Michael Zane. All the removable parts were stripped bythieves pretty quickly, but thirty days later the bicycle itself was stillthere with the Kryptonite lock and bike frame still in place even though the lockhad been attacked multiple times. As demonstrations of quality go, it doesn’tget much better. 

From there, Kryptonite has gone on to become one of the most recognisable and respected lock brands on the planet. Its New York locks are known throughout the cycling world and beyond as some of the most impenetrable anti-theft devices, made to combat the bike theft epidemic in late 1980’s and early 90s New York City.

On top of their quality products, Kryptonite also has an Anti-Theft Protection Offer which offers customers extra peace of mind when buying a lock, as well as a Key Safe program where people can register their lock and get a new key should they manage to lose theirs.